2002 - First Mossadegh Prize Laureate - Journalism
Awarded to Mr. Serge Michel, a freelance journalist, distinguished by the quality of his numerous articles on Iran.
The ceremony was held on 3 September 2002.
2004 - Second Mossadegh Prize Laureate - Book
Awarded to American writers, Professor Mark Gasiorowski and Malcolm Byrne for their book "Mohammad Mosaddeq & the 1953 Coup in Iran".
The ceremony took place on 28 October 2004.
Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran Mark Gasiorowski et Malcom Byrne Syracuse University Press, 2004 |
2009 - Third Mossadegh Prize Laureate - Book
Awarded to Ms. Florence Hellot-Bellier, History professor and researcher at CNRS, for her work "France-Iran quatre cents ans de dialogue".
The ceremony took place on 21 February 2009.
France-Iran quatre cents ans de dialogue Florence Hellot-Bellier Studia Iranica, Cahier 34, 2007 |
2010 - Fourth Mossadegh Prize Laureate - Book
Awarded to Dr. Fakhreddin Azimi, History Professor at the University of Connecticut, United States, for his book "The Quest for Democracy in Iran: A Century of Struggle against Authoritarian Rule".
The ceremony took place on 16 January 2010.
The Quest for Democracy in Iran: A Century of Struggle against Authoritarian Rule Fakhreddin Azimi Harvard University Press, 2008 |
2013 - Fifth Mossadegh Prize Laureate - Book
Dr. Hadi Enayat, Visiting Lecturer at the Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations at the Aga Khan University, London, for his book "Law, State, and Society in Modern Iran Constitutionalism, Autocracy, and Legal Reform, 1906-1941".
The ceremony took place on 15 November 2013.
Law, State, and Society in Modern Iran Constitutionalism, Autocracy, and Legal Reform, 1906-1941 Hadi Enayat Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 |
2015 - Sixth Mossadegh Prize Laureate - Book
Awarded to Prof. Ervand Abrahamian, Distinguished Professor of History at Baruch College and the Graduate Center in the City University of New York, for his book "The Coup: 1953, The CIA, and The Roots of Modern U.S. - Iranian Relations".
The ceremony took place on 27 November 2015.
The Coup 1953, The CIA, and The Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations Ervand Abrahamian The New Press, 2013 |
2019 - Seventh Mossadegh Prize Laureate - Miniatures
Awarded to Mr. Abbas Moayery, painter, miniaturist and sculptor, for these works "Persian Miniatures".
The ceremony took place on 26 October 2019.
Abbas Moayeri - Peintre Miniaturiste White REE, 2016 |
2022 - Eighth Mossadegh Prize Laureate - Film
Awarded to Mr. Taghi Amirani, Director et Mr. Walther Murch, Editor, for the film documentary "Coup 53".
The ceremony took place on 20 September 2022.
COUP 53 - Film Taghi Amirani and Walther Murch Taghi Amirani, 2019 |
2025 - Ninth Mossadegh Prize Laureate - Book
Awarded to Mr. Nicolas Gorjestani, for his book "Ahead of Their Time - Mosaddegh".
The ceremony took place on 25 December 2025.
Ahead of Their Time - Mosaddegh - Film Nicolas Gorjestani Mage Publishers, 2021 |